Saturday, February 4, 2012


Revisions to SIP/PIP based on monitoring and assessments

Work with the attendance committee to compile a list of target students that fit with in the group. (Over 10% absent and failing at least two classes) Then meet with and interview the students making them aware of their attendance problems and steps that can be taken to improve.
Schools Chancery data base (online attendance data base)
Roster of absent students that fall are failing at least two classes.
Attendance Committee,
Attendance Principal,
Attendance Clerk,
Students, &
After meeting with the students I will monitor their attendance and record any and all changes in their attendance as well as complete weekly check-ups on them.

Of the students that have shown little to no improvement I will begin meeting with both the teachers and parents of the students.
Schools Chancery data base (online attendance data base)
Roster of absent students that fall are failing at least two classes.
Meeting space to conduct meetings with parents.
Attendance Committee,
Attendance Principal,
Attendance Clerk,
Parents, Teachers,
Students, &
After meeting with the parents I will continue to monitor a will also stay in contact with the parents to keep them aware of their student’s progress.

Develop and execute a plan for the students to earn back missed time so that they can meet acceptable attendance and passing grade levels to move on to the next grade.
School building for after hours program.
Teacher to help with running the program.
Student and parent contract saying they will attend.
Attendance Committee,
Attendance Principal,
Attendance Clerk,
Parents, Teachers,
Students, &
End of School
All students will be encouraged to attend the after hours program to make up grades and gain back the hours that they missed. If student turn out is low parent conferences will be scheduled for the students that did not attend.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

How educational leaders might use blogs

There are several ways that an educational leader might use blogs. One way would be to share ideas. A leader could blog about issues or problems that they are experiencing and give and get advice from others who may have gone through similar problems. It would also give leaders a chance to bounce ideas off of one another in a professional form. Those encounters would lead to professional growth. Leaders would be able to gain wisdom from and be challenged by other veteran leaders through back and forth conversation in the blogs. Also most leaders work long hours and the blogs do not require an appointment and are always there regardless of the time of day or night.   

Action Research

All growth depends upon activity. There is no development physically or intellectually without effort, and effort means work. Work is not a curse; it is the prerogative of intelligence, the only means to manhood, and the measure of civilization.
Calvin Coolidge

Action research is a tool that can be used by anyone looking to get a better understanding of themselves and the organization that they work for. It is a model of self-improvement that allows the user grow by looking inward instead of listening outside sources that are unaware of their specific problem and situation. The introspective aspect of the action research is the most important part. So many times in education we rely on outsiders to tell us how to run and teach in our schools. Most of the time they have no idea what really troubles you and your school building. What might be a big problem in one area might not even be a problem with your school. Each and every school is its own world in its self. It is also a useful tool for the entire school to use when setting goals. It helps to keep the school on tract and targeted towards the same objective. It is important that the person using the action research is specific in what they are focusing on. If the topic is to general they will be unable to come to a clear concise plan of action.